Absorption Column

Absorption can be a chemical or physical phenomenon. There is a big difference between chemical absorption and physical absorption, each of which has its own characteristics. Absorbent columns are used in the absorption process to make the whole process more efficient. In the process, the substance captures and converts all the energy. Physical absorption depends entirely on gas properties such as pressure level, temperature and solubility. Chemical adsorption is based on the theory of the chemical amount of the reaction and the concentration of reactants present. We manufacture machines for various purposes related to material processing, refining and other activities. Stanel Engineering Works also offers the design of gas absorption towers to ensure efficient operating procedures. We also have many options to meet your needs.

The absorption tower designed by us has the following additional features:

  • Extensive testing by experts.
  • Custom patterns are also available.
  • low maintenance.
  • Made with the highest quality raw materials.
  • Active ingredient.

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1363-1385 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles